COVID-19 Safety & Vaccine Info

Where Healthy Meets Hero

If you are feeling healthy and well, NOW is the time to donate with The Blood Connection.
Our donation centers and mobiles are where healthy people go to give back. TBC is taking extra precautionary cleaning measures to ensure that all donors and staff are safe and healthy. 


Safety while Donating

  • Face coverings are optional for donors, unless required by local ordinances.
  • Blood donors must be symptom free for 14 days after a positive COVID-19 test in order to donate blood.
  • Donors are encouraged to make an appointment BEFORE they donate to better control social distancing.
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures have been put in place. Beds are cleaned between each donor.
  • Routine blood donor screening measures are already in place to prevent individuals with clinical respiratory infections from donating blood. This includes a temperature check.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that those who have received the Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna Vaccines (including during clinical trial period) are eligible to give blood.

Donors who have participated in any OTHER COVID-19 clinical trial (other than Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, or Moderna) will be deferred for 1 year.

This applies to the first or second shot. 

Donors must be feeling healthy and well to donate blood.

Anyone who is concerned with COVID-19 diagnosis should consult their health care provider. TBC does not provide COVID-19 testing.

“The impacts on the blood supply from COVID-19 will only be as bad as this community allows it to be. If those who are feeling healthy donate now and encourage others to do the same, there could be little to no impact, and communities’ blood supplies will remain resilient and self-sustaining. Maintaining a sustainable community blood supply is the responsibility and the privilege of the healthy individuals in that community. Now more than ever, express yourself as an upstanding community hero and be the one to answer the call to help. We need you now. It’s up to you.”

Dr. Robert Rainer

Medical Director, The Blood Connection

What are the symptoms?

Dry Cough

Shortness of Breath

High Fever

Find a Mobile Blood Drive

Donate At Our Centers

South Carolina Centers

North Carolina Centers
