Therapeutic Phlebotomy
Service Availability
8:00a-5:00p on Wednesday-Friday | Appointments are Required
The Blood Connection provides therapeutic phlebotomy as a community service at no charge. If you would like to receive this free service, please ask your physician’s office to submit an electronic physician’s order form. All therapeutic phlebotomy orders must be submitted electronically. We are no longer accepting hard copy order forms by fax, scan or delivered by the patient.
We have heard your concerns and comments and we are streamlining the therapeutic phlebotomy order form to make it more user friendly. Click the “Order Form” button below and submit an order without needing to set up a username and password. Please note, once the form is submitted, you will not be able to make any changes to your submission. If you have any questions, feel free to call 864.751.1168 and talk with one of our therapeutic donation appointment schedulers.
After submission, your order will be placed into a queue for our Medical Director to review it. Please allow 48-72hrs for the order to be processed. The patient will also be contacted for scheduling within this timeframe.
(NOTE: We will only accept orders from offices in SC, NC, and GA. We cannot process orders from out of state physician’s offices. Should you submit an order from a state other than SC, NC, and GA you may receive an initial approval based off of diagnosis, health and medication history, and HGB target. However, during the processing phase the order will be rejected.)
For Physician’s Use Only

What Do I Need To Bring?
Just a photo ID. Your doctor will send your order to us. After receiving your order, we will obtain approval to perform your therapeutic phlebotomy from our Medical Director. After approval is obtained, someone from our team will call you to schedule your appointment.

How Often Can I Give?
Your doctor will prescribe the frequency of your therapeutic draws depending on what level your hemoglobin is at now and your target level. This frequency may be every few months, monthly, weekly, every few days, or may only be once.

Can I Give To Patients?
Most cannot, but in 1999 the FDA approved that the blood from people with hereditary hemochromatosis posed no greater risk than blood obtained from volunteer blood donors -provided the patient meets all screening and testing requirements.
Blood Facts
What diseases are treated by
Therapeutic Phlebotomy?
The three most common reasons for phlebotomy are:
It is defined as a disorder of the way the body uses iron. The body absorbs too much of the iron found in the foods we eat. This extra iron is stored in the body, mainly in the liver, pancreas and skin, which leads to cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, enlarged heart with congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat and increased skin pigmentation.
This is an increase in the number of circulating red blood cells and total blood volume.
This would include metabolic disorders associated with hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen and liver), photosensitivity (sensitivity to light), pigmentation, and a distinct red color in the urine.

More Information
These links are provided only as a resource for our readers. This listing does not necessarily represent the opinions of The Blood Connection (TBC) or imply endorsement by TBC.