Types of donations
There are four ways to donate: plasma, platelets, red cells, and whole blood. Those different components in our blood have many uses. During and after a donation, we are able to separate those components, to give a recipient exactly what they need.
Keep in mind, the process can vary based on the type of donation. Eligibility varies too. We require certain qualifications to give plasma and platelets, compared to red cells and whole blood. Ask your phlebotomist what you’re eligible to donate.
Four Ways to Donate

Whole Blood
Whole blood donation is the most common and traditional method. A pint of blood is drawn that contains red and white cells, platelets, and plasma. It’s mainly used for trauma and surgery. Shelf life is 21-35 days, and you can donate every 56 days. This is the quickest and easiest donation.
- At least 110 lbs
- Must be 16 (with signed parental consent form) or 17+ years old
- Always eat and drink before giving
- Donation process takes 45 min.
Platelets are small cell fragments in the blood that helps stop or prevent bleeding. It’s made in our bone marrow and its shelf life is only 5 days! They are used for surgeries, transplants, and to help cancer patients get through chemo. You can donate every seven days, only at our centers.
Females must be tested for HLA if they have ever been pregnant
- Must be 17+ years old
Platelet count must be at least 150 depending on blood volume
- Donation process takes 2 hours

Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood that transports water and nutrients to your body’s tissues. Donations can last up to 1 year, and are used to help burn victims and those with bleeding disorders. You can donate every 28 days, only at our centers.
Females must be tested for HLA if they have ever been pregnant
- Must be 17+ years old
- Donation process takes 1.5 hours
Call 864-751-1168 to make an appointment!
Double Red Cells
Double red cells donation is when only red cells are collected, not the other blood components. The donation lasts up to 42 days. Red cells are used for trauma, surgery, anemia, blood loss and disorders. You can donate every 112 days, in centers and select mobiles.
Must be 17+ years old
Hemoglobin must be at 13.3
- Donation process takes 1.5 hours

Special Donations
You may have heard someone say “I’m a baby donor” or “I donate for the babies.” What does that mean? It means they are CMV negative – the person has not been exposed to the cytomegalovirus, or CMV. CMV is a complex flu-like virus that most adults are exposed to at sometime in their lives. It is a double stranded DNA virus belonging to the herpes virus family. This is important because in low birth weight infants, the consequences of such infection may be severe or even fatal.
Donating blood for your own surgery is called an autologous donation. These blood units are collected and stored until the surgery. A Physician’s Request for Autologous Donation is required. Safety of the patient is always the highest priority, so the patient must meet certain health and medical criteria.
You and your physician have decided that a treatment with Provenge® is advisable.
The Blood Connection partners with Dendreon as a collection center at our Spartanburg, South Carolina location. The first step in Provenge prostate cancer treatment is collecting blood components used to perform leukapheresis.
Prior to your Leukapheresis Procedure please remember to:
- Drink plenty of caffeine free fluids for several days leading up to each of your leukapheresis procedures. On the day prior to your procedure, please do not drink beverages containing caffeine.
- Eat a “hearty” meal prior to your procedure.
- Wear clothing as described inside.
- Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment. The collection of your cells for PROVENGE is very time sensitive!
- Bring a current picture ID. (cannot be expired)