What to expect when you donate blood.
Let us help you understand the ins and outs of giving blood. We want you to feel as good as possible before, during, and after your donation!
Remember, donors must be in good health, at least 16 years old (16 and/or 17 year olds need written parental consent depending on the state), and weigh at least 110 pounds for whole blood donation.

Prep Your Body
Before you give blood, make sure that you drink plenty of water and eat a healthy meal. This will ensure that the process will go smoothly.

Find A Location
Whether it’s a blood mobile or one of our centers, we want you to make the best decision! Making an appointment to give blood is preferred, but not required!

Fill Out TBC Express
Go to our TBC Express page and fill out our questionnaire online! Doing this will cut the wait time in half!

Bring Your ID
Where ever you go, make sure you bring photo ID or your Donor ID Card. This ensures that we match the correct account to you! Once we have that, we will ask you to pull up the QR code from your TBC Express Questionnaire, or we will have you fill it out there!

Complete Mini-Physical
You will be escorted into a room and given a mini physical to ensure that you are healthy enough to donate blood! To determine eligibility to donate we will ask questions to determine if you might be at risk for transfusion transmissible diseases, take your blood pressure and temperature, and take a small blood sample to ensure you are not anemic.

Donate and Relax
When you sit down, we will cleanse your arm with an antiseptic (please tell us if you are allergic to chlorhexidine or iodine). We will always use a new, sterile, disposable needle to collect your blood. After you begin to donate is the part where you can sit back and give back! Catch up on the news, read a book, or even learn more about blood donation!
We have a wide variety of snacks and goodies for you to munch on after your donation. Grab the cookies, you deserve it! Keep your bandage on throughout the day and tell people why you’re wearing it! Make sure to keep it on for at least 4 hours!
Finally, schedule your next donation!