Give your Neighbor Life and Liberty

While you’re soaking up the last rays of summer sunshine on Labor Day (and we all need the break, right?), take the time to save a life with The Blood Connection. In the trips-to-the-grocery-store, laundry-folding, making-dinner kind of moments, remember what’s going on in your local hospitals. Doctors and nurses are using donated blood to save lives. That blood comes from neighbors in your community who want to make a difference.


Back by popular demand!
Donate blood at any TBC center from 08/30-09/02 and get a Life and Liberty t-shirt!

We love thanking our donors for being lifesavers! Blood donors will also receive a gift card.

*shirts are while supplies last

Local blood donations are especially important during this critical time of the summer where TBC typically sees a dip in donor turnout. But the demand for blood never takes a vacation. That’s why our blood donors are essential to saving lives this Labor Day weekend. Be the difference for someone in your community!

Click here to find a donation center near you. 

Request A Custom Package

14 + 4 =

Platelet & Cryo Pricing

Package 1


Platelets - 4 day shelf life

Package 2


Pooled Cryo - 180+ day shelf life

Blood Type Inventory & Pricing

Package 3


3 Week+ Shelf Life

45 - O+, 30 - A+, 14 - B+, 5 - O-, 5 - A-, 1 - B-

Package 4


3 Week+ Shelf Life

45 - O+, 30 - A+, 14 - B+, 5 - O-, 5 - A-, 1 - B-

Package 5


3 Week+ Shelf Life

100 A+
