Help us Grow the Tree of Life
In October, TBC is partnering with Forestmatic to plant one tree in Northeastern Uganda for EVERY BLOOD DONOR.
With your help, we can reach our goal
of planting 20,000 trees in October!
You’ve Donated Blood – Here’s How to Track Your Tree
** Donors will receive an email with instructions on how to access their tree the Monday following their donation. Trees will be assigned to your donor ID within 7 days of your donation. If you have issues, please contact our Donor Response Center at 864-751-1154.**
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, TBC is encouraging donors to dedicate their trees to someone battling Breast Cancer or a Breast Cancer survivor.
*Please note: Tree names will be changed at the end of the month.
Dedicate Your Tree
The U.S. is in urgent need of regular and frequent blood donations across the country. Blood Centers of America (BCA) is taking action by developing a campaign involving 27 not-for-profit blood centers, including The Blood Connection, to plant 160,000 trees collectively. Each planted tree helps save the ozone layer, creates jobs, and empowers women in Uganda.