IDHQ Instructions
The “eXpress” Donor Pass will only work if you fill out this questionnaire after 1am on the date of your donation. Please do not proceed if it is not the same day as your donation.
1. Select Click to Begin Questionnaire button at the bottom of the page.
2. Press the appropriate button indicating the language you want to take the health history questionnaire: English or Spanish version.
3. Enter responses to the displayed questions:
- Are you a first time donor WITH THE BLOOD CONNECTION?: Check “Yes” or “No” (If you have donated with another blood center before, choose YES, and that you are a first time donor.)
- Enter your birthdate: Enter date of birth as MM/DD/YYYY
- Select the appropriate gender: “Male” or “Female”
4. Select appropriate response to each DHQ question. Select “Next” after each entry.
Note: If you are uncertain how to answer the DHQ question, don’t select a response to the question, select “Next” to skip the question. At the donation site, the tech will review your health history questionnaire and will discuss responses to determine your suitability to donate.
5. Upon the completion of the questionnaire, a “Review” screen will be displayed. Review your responses and make desired changes to responses, if needed.
6. Select Generate Donor Pass at the bottom of the Review screen. Then select OK.
7. Print or email the “eXpress” Donor Pass.
- If printing the “eXpress” Donor Pass, bring the pass to the donation site where you intend to donate.
- If emailing the “eXpress” Donor Pass, email the pass to an email that can be opened and displayed on your phone or tablet at the donation site where you intend to donate.
- The “eXpress” Donor Pass will contain a QR code (starting January 17, 2019).
- If printing emailed donor pass, print bar codes from PDF attachment in email message. Do not print bar codes displayed in “body” of the email.